AGAIN, it's faulty in the way of the waypoints and the campaign lasting only 3 hours max. This campaign is absolutely amazing in the way of gameplay, the story lacks something but it's not noticeable because you're busy stabbing people with spears and throwing disks. You have a range of weapons from a pistol to the smart gun! Next you have the predator campaign, predator is easily my favorite because I absolutely love stealth and loved the way Predator is like a warrior and not afraid of anything.

The story, again, is nothing special, you're a speechless Marine who is left alone when Aliens and predators attack, you follow another Marine whose name I can't remember but I can tell they wanted you to get attached to her but.no. It has a pretty outstanding last boss fight though and it's the longest campaign of the 3, lasting about 6-7 hours and most of that is spent just trying to figure out where to go because the waypoint is horrible at times.

It's a pretty standard FPS as far as gameplay and aiming feels really stiff. Then the Marine Campaign, I thought this was going to be the most dull but there were moments where I actually felt dread and paranoid.but it fell flat on it's face with the stupid constant beeping warning you there is something near by and ruins any kind of surprise. You follow one certain alien who starts out trapped and being examined and then you 's very short and lasts about 3 hours, if that. The Aliens campaign is very mediocre but if there is one thing this game gets right, it's making you feel like you're an alien because the controls and gameplay are very entertaining, climbing up surfaces and jumping around, sneaking behind enemies and taking them down with the little mouth, although the sneak executions are limited and repeat and the climbing on surfaces can get very disorienting when in small vents or a cliff with too many turns.

To start things off, the story of this game is extremely weak and nothing extremely gripping but it's passable, you can complete the story in 3 segments (Alien, Predator, Marines) and you can choose which order to go in and they all have a tie in together but nothing huge.